When we last left you, we were in Kas enjoying the warm Turkish sun with Carmen and Geoff (two of Allison’s friends). As a group of four we decided to rent a car to visit the near-by, and very highly recommended, Patara beach and Saklikent gorge. After running through the rental formalities, I was selected …
Category: Turkey
Why Us Canadians Don’t Hate Turkey: Istanbul & Göreme
When we got off the tram in Sultanahmet, Istanbul we knew we were going to like it! We had moved from Amman, Jordan, one of the armpits of the universe, to a beautiful albeit touristy European city in the matter of a few hours. Our friends, Carmen & Geoff had recommended a cute and well …
Why does Turkey hate Canada?
Well, we made it to Turkey. While we haven’t been here long enough to form any long-winded posts, I will say this: why does Turkey have a special hate-on for Canada? While in line at the airport to purchase visas, we learned that Canada is in a special ‘F you’ class all on its own …