Our second week in Madrid was fantastic! The only sad part about it is that just as we were starting to really “get it” and settle in, it was time to time to pack up and head to Porto! I think the lesson learned for us, from a working remotely perspective, is that a month …
Category: Spain
Our first week in Madrid
Last week, we settled into our working “remotely” routine. Remote is in quotation marks because really, wherever we work it’s remote! All we need our laptops and reliable internet! We divide our days between Clara duty and work time; one person always gets to work uninterrupted while the other person gets to play with the …
Onward to Madrid!
On Saturday night, Clara slept like an angel. She hasn’t slept for seven hours in a row for months and months, so it was such a treat for us all! Sunday morning was a bit of a blur; I got up early to pack our bags, and Clara and J slept in a bit. We’ve …
More Sitges Adventures with Baby
When I left off, it was Friday morning and C was sleeping soundly in her carrier; she stayed that way for about two hours and then we ate lunch and set off for a couple of hours of wandering around before … yet another call! It’s been a busy week for business calls for us! …
Travel: featuring a baby with a cold
Day one. The ride to the airport in Edmonton was foreboding. C cried almost the entire way. It was only just as we pulled up to the airport that she finally settled and went to sleep. We didn’t realize in the car, but baby girl was getting a doozy of a cold. The flight to …